Basic PDUs

Geist’s Basic PDUs offer reliable power distribution to the cabinet to help manage power capacity and increase functionality. Basic PDUs cover a wide variety of electrical options, ranging from 10A to 120A in IEC, NEMA, British, Schuko and mixed configurations. Select the PDU finder at the top of the page to view Geist’s extensive selection of rack PDUs.

The Geist Basic Upgradeable PDU gives data center managers the flexibility to install basic power distribution as required today with the option to upgrade technology as needs evolve.
To establish this upgrade path, our engineers took Geist’s robust PDU design and incorporated an Interchangeable Monitoring Device (IMD). Geist’s reliable power strips last for years and with the new IMD users can install the latest monitoring and technology without replacing the entire PDU. The hot-swappable IMD can be upgraded in a few simple steps without interrupting power to critical servers.

-Upgrade Ready
-Hot-Swappable Units
-High Temperature Grade
-Low Profile Breakers
-U-Lock Receptacles
-Colored Chassis

Vertiv Geist Rack PDUs