5 Reasons to Use ColoredRack PDUs1.Easily Identify Redundant Power Feeds to IT Equipment
1.Easily Identify Redundant Power Feeds to IT Equipment
2.Make it Easy for Technicians Working in Your IT Rack
3.Clearly Identify Your Data Center Power Chain
4.Identify Different Voltages in Your Data Center
5.Reduce Lighting Requirements in Your Data Center
1.Easily Identify Redundant Power Feeds to IT Equipment
2.Make it Easy for Technicians Working in Your IT Rack
3.Clearly Identify Your Data Center Power Chain
4.Identify Different Voltages in Your Data Center
5.Reduce Lighting Requirements in Your Data Center
Use color to identify the A and B power feeds at the rack.
“A” power feed is red“B” power feed is blue
“A” power feed is red“B” power feed is blue
Cords stay in, servers stay up.
With SecureLock® outlets and power cords (IEC C13, C14, C19 and C20) you’ll know your power cords can’t be accidentally unplugged, vibrate loose or get bumped out of your iPDUs.

Make it Easy for Technicians Working in Your IT Rack-
Ever try to explain which rack PDU supplies power to your server?
Why not make it easy? Simplify communications and make it easier to troubleshoot problems in your power chain.