Armor-Bond and AirBlock Strip Doors: The #1 Specified Vinyl Strip Doors in the Industry!
With Simplex strip doors you can cover door openings, both large and small, yet ensure easy pass-through by a technician, transport cart or forklift. Simplex vinyl strip doors prevent up to 80% to 90 of air loss that occurs when main doors are opened or left ajar.
In cleanroom settings, AirBlock Strip Doors mean environments remain protected from contamination. In industrial applications, ArmorBond Industrial Strip Doors mean temperatures remain stable, there is less food spoilage, less shrinkage, less frost build-up on coils. So Simplex strip doors mean reduced wear and tear on compressors, motors and switches.
Compare Strip Doors and Look for a Full Measure of Quality. Simplex Strip Doors Prevail Against the Competition
In a market where many industry experts have labeled vinyl and industrial strip doors a commodity product, Simplex still stands out. Why, just compare these two photos:

The Simplex Strip Door
(immediately after installation)
Installation time: 35 minutes
Replacement time for two strips: 5 minutes
Warranty: Lifetime*
- Simplex strip doors are shipped flat in reinforced boxes.
- Individual strips hang straight and true the first time.
- The best materials, including virgin vinyl and engineered hardware.
- All hardware for mounting, even to your wall, is supplied.

Typical Kit Door
(immediately after installation)
Installation time: 1 hour & 15 minutes
Replacement time for two vinyl strips: 25 minutes
Warranty: 30 days
- Strips are shipped tightly rolled in an unreinforced box.
- Strips curl along the sides and bottom; no seal.
- Less than optimum vinyl ingredients and quality; hardware subject to corrosion.
- Hardware to mount track to your wall is typically not supplied.
Simplex vinyl strip doors are hassle free, long-lasting and the best value you can find.
Simplex provides you with engineering expertise, innovative mounting tracks, and the best vinyl you can find.